23-26 April 2017
Delano Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV, USA

At ITE the opportunities for networking and growing your incentive travel business, whether you are a supplier or a buyer, are vast and offer the best return on your investment.

ITE provides suppliers the opportunity to meet with fully-vetted, high-performing meeting and incentive travel buyers over two days of pre-set meetings with buyers from key incentive purchasing sectors: corporate incentive buyers, incentive companies (full service and travel), and travel agencies.

The hosted buyer program gives premium meeting and incentive travel buyers the opportunity to maximize their time during two days of focused meetings with leading incentive travel suppliers while making lasting relationships with other industry colleagues. Apply to be a Hosted Buyer.

Visit the ITE website >>


SITE Activites at ITE

Storytelling: A Sales Pro’s Most Powerful Sales Tool

Sunday, April 23rd, 3:30-4:30PM


Stories are universal in their use, appeal, and effectiveness—across cultures and across ages. In this course, participants will learn to craft and use compelling stories to sell incentive travel solutions to clients. Participants will learn to develop an audience profile to help tailor the story to the client, as well as components that comprise a compelling story to aid in development of the story. Finally, participants will consider positioning the story in a sales presentation and consider other sales opportunities where storytelling might be beneficial.



Catherine Jones—Principal, The Edventives Group

Jonathan Richards – Manager, Corporate Gifts NEW, Mexico & Europe, Maui Jim Sunglasses




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